In 2019 we had an abundance of excellent Roundtable discussions and you can enjoy them all here:
We understand that in most organizations, the the sales manager has become pivotal. They are driving the sales team, which is the company’s engine room. The primary objective of a professional sales manager needs to be: “To achieve consistently superior results through the performance of every key individual.” And yet, according to recent research by […] Year on year, sales leaders are being asked to achieve improved results with fewer resources or, at least, more from the same. To most, the attainment of a permanent increase in sales revenues must seem like the search for eternal youth; unending and, ultimately, unavailing. Unfortunately, the task of selling never becomes any easier and […] So, here we are, entering the final quarter of the year. According to the latest reseach from the Sandler Research Center, it is estimated that only around 20% of frontline sales professionals will be totally confident about making their 2019 number and a further 20% will be hopeful – although hope isn’t a strategy! The […] Over the past few years, we have witnessed huge investment in new sales technology solutions and sales process tools. However, that investment does not guarantee an appropriate return in terms of increased and improved sales performance. In fact, the results from Sandler Research Center’s inaugural survey confirmed the following … Whilst 73% of respondents said […] “There is a difference between leadership and management. Leadership is of the spirit, management is of the mind. Managers are necessary, but leaders are essential. We must find managers who are not only skilled organizers, but inspired and inspiring leaders.” Field Marshall Slim. You can buy someone’s physical presence, but you cannot buy loyalty, enthusiasm […] This is the reality: Communication is successful, only if it achieves our desired results. It doesn’t matter if you think you’ve communicated well or if you think you’ve been crystal clear, what matters is that your communication is received and acted upon in the manner you wanted. When we communicate with people and if they […]Are You Listening in the C-Lounge? I Need Help
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How to Deliver More Next Year With Less
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Q4 Is Here There is Still Time!
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Is Sales Technology Helping or Hindering Current Sales Achievement Levels?
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An Abundance of Managers and Too Few Leaders – Why?
In Sales, Are Effective Communication Skills Becoming a Lost Art?